

  Anti-Semitism is a myth, it does not exist. Under this lies the ban on criticism and condemnation of the genocide against the Palestinian people. So raise your voice against Israel and everyone who protects these criminals, because we all have that right. The right to freedom, the right to life, and the right to choose. No one has the right to silence us.


You are looking at a book that was written by an excellent connoisseur of magic and its secrets. With one of the 99 spells, you have the opportunity to win the heart of the person you want, improve your relationship or marriage, stimulate passion and physical attractiveness, or to forget your ex love. 99 LOVE CHARMS - Raif EsmerovićRaif Esmerović ( 99 LOVE CHARMS - Raif EsmerovićRaif Esmerović (


  You've finally found that special person you can't live without. You can't take a chance on your beloved finding another: he or she must be yours, forever! Use these spells to keep your lover spellbound. CAFE D'AMOUR Traditionally, if not always accurately, binding spells have been considered feminine concerns. Appropriately then, the ultimate binding ingredient is a single drop of menstrual blood served in a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. One taste and, so the legend goes, he (or she!) is yours for life! If you don't menstruate because you're male, menopausal, or otherwise, the next spell is reputedly very effective. Snip off a tiny bit of your pubic and underarm hair. Grind them together with fresh coffee beans and then brew. Personalize that cup of coffee: add lots of sugar, cream, and/or chocolate. A dollop of Amaretto, Sambuca or similar liqueur wouldn't hurt, either. Serve it with a smile. 'TIL DEATH DO US PART Graveyard dust is a magic ingred


  Freedom of speech and expressing one's position and opinion in the EU and the USA exists only if you speak against Muslims, Chinese, Russians, blacks, Mexicans... You don't need to save yourself or pay attention to decency here. However, this same freedom of speech ends when you want to say something about Americans, French, British, or Jews who are more important than those listed since they are "special and holy". So much for supposed democracy and freedom of speech. Realistically speaking, democracy does not exist, at least not the kind we are taught about. There is only hypocrisy and double standards. It is important to know that the Holocaust was committed by the Nazis. And that's where the whole story begins and ends. Everyone else has every right to say what they want about the Jews, especially their crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing and genocide against the Palestinian people. Always criticize them, accuse them, point fingers at them, demand thei


The message of the Palestinian people to the EU - USA is very short: Shame on you! You all carry on your soul over a million Palestinians killed (1948-2023)! These same Palestinians removed the false masks from your faces and showed what you really are: ruthless and without any conscience. You are terrorists, you kill! You are sending tons of weapons to Israel, killing women and children in Gaza and Palestine. If there is a God, someone will kill your children the same way tomorrow because that is the only justice. You too must experience the greatest pain to become human again.

We are going to World War III (again because of the Jews). What about those damned people?!



One of the oldest spells of Bosnian love magic is the use of bats as props for casting a spell. When it is caught, the bat is slaughtered with a golden or silver coin and a spindle is used to puncture the middle of its body, that hole is wrapped with golden threads in order to form a circle. Actually, the entire bat is wrapped with golden threads so that nothing else can be seen besides the hole in the body which will be used to look at the person whose love is desired. While the girl is looking through the body of the bat she utters: "With god's help as this bat flew through the air blind, so too you shall be blind by love towards me!" Besides this, the brain of a donkey is often used, a piece of the brain to be exact, which is mixed into a cake or another meal and offered to the person whose love one desired. Exactly because of this spell among the Bosnian people there is a saying about a man who is overly interested into a woman: "She must have given him some donk